July 2012 Newsletter

Out of the Box: Action Planning: A key to getting things done!

We all do it. Some may call it action planning, others may call it strategizing. Regardless, it is something we do on a daily basis to accomplish our tasks and goals or to get from Point A to Point B.

Think about it.

If you like to write out your grocery list in the order that the items appear in the store, you are action planning in order to ensure that you get everything you need. OR

If you schedule your day from appointments to downtime, you too are action planning in order to make the most of your day.

As a matter of fact, action planning and implementation is one of the key elements in coaching. It helps our coachees to stay on target and to take forward movement. It takes a discovery-type conversation to the next level. Any time we can put a new awareness to use, we are not only growing, but we are increasing our success rates.

Team Talk
Action Planning in Action

by Amy Ruppert, MCC
Chief Learning Officer

One of the things that makes a coaching exchange unique is that there is, and always will be, a request for taking action by the coach to the coachee. Without this, it’s just an interesting conversation.

Seventeen years ago, when I began my coaching practice, I realized the best way to grow my business, which happen to be doing something no one had ever heard of or had any experience with, was to coach as many people in impromptu exchanges as often as I could so they would become evangelists for coaching. One of the first people I tried this with was a good friend who had become a brainstorming and downloading partner with me in my previous business. We’d often have lunch or get together for drinks and spend hours exchanging ideas for each other’s business and download problems we were having with our businesses. It was always very stimulating and interesting as we both understood one another’s world and the ideas flowed fast and furiously. But as interesting and stimulating as the conversation was, very little stuck when it came down to actually doing something about it because there was always something missing from those conversations.

When I began getting a few coaching skills under my belt, I went out for lunch with this friend. No sooner had we sat down when he fired right into some of the challenges he was having with a couple of his employees. I listened for a few minutes and then asked him if we could do something different. “Sure, what?” he asked. I asked him if it would be OK if I coached him around this instead of us having our usual kind of conversation. A smirk crossed his face and he said, “OK, I guess so – whatever that means.” And I replied, “It means that we’re going to do more than exchange ideas. I’m going to ask you a lot of questions to get at YOUR best ideas. I may ask some tough questions that may not be the most comfortable, but I believe they’ll help you get some new understanding about what is really going on and some hidden wisdom you may not have tapped into yet. And then, I’m going to ask you to take action and we’re going to work together to help you plan out the best actions to take that are going to have the biggest impact on what you want to accomplish.” “Go for it” he said, with that smirk still on his face.

By the end of our coaching exchange (and lunch) he not only walked away with a solution to the challenge he was facing with these two employees, but a full plan on how to develop these two and other employees, into emerging leaders as his business grew. We outlined an entire set of standards that defined what a strong leader would look like in his company and the steps employees could take to be recognized as a leader. In the end, I made a request of him to take bold action around being a leader who created an environment for others leaders to grow. Up until that moment when I challenged him with that request, most of his energy was spent on coming up with day to day solutions and putting out fires. That request made him realize he had to rise above the role of firefighter and become the visionary for his company. He accepted the request and the action plan was created.

Today, seventeen years later, his business has grown way beyond what he could have ever imagined and he has had his own coach ever since. And his company has embraced a coaching culture and thrives because of it. He still likes to reminisce about that lunch and what a difference that action plan made for him and his business. If that request that challenged him and the action plan had never been made, and we had not drilled into the details of planning out what he would DO moving forward with timelines, measurables and benchmarks for success, it would have just been another one of our interesting and very stimulating conversations that would have most likely been left at the table of that restaurant.

Calendar of Events

Looking to take your coaching to the next level? Wanting to bring the coaching conversation to your organization?

To obtain a copy of our calendar of events, please click here.

Quote of the Month

“In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on.”-Robert Frost

And it does which means we have an opportunity to play full out, to take chances, to put ourselves out there, to create potentials…..OR we can sit on the sidelines and watch it go by.

Licensed Trainers Website Listing

There’s a section on our web site where all of our Licensed Trainers are listed. If you have completed your certification through Coaching Out of the Box® and would like to have your profile listed on our website please complete the following information and send it in a separate email to listing@coachingoutofthebox.com or dotty@coachingoutofthebox.com.

Name (first and last):
Certifications (initials behind your name):
Bio (max 300 words):
Email address:
Phone number:

If you wish to include a photograph with your listing, please send it as an attachment to your email. Do not paste your picture into a word document as we are unable to process them.

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