Coaching Competency Series

In this series, participants will learn the core coaching competencies taught to professionally certified coaches throughout the world. Coaching demonstrations, case studies, and engaging exercises will ensure participants embed the concepts they are learning. This learning experience consists of three elements taken concurrently over 6-weeks.

Next Start date: Tuesday, March 4, 2024
Time: 9:30 -11:00 am Pacific / 12:30-2:00 pm Eastern

*Inscríbete y encuentra más fechas de inicio a continuación.

Resumen del curso

The Coaching Competency Series is a comprehensive 6-week program designed to immerse participants in the foundational skills and approaches of professional coaching as defined by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Coaching Competency Series
Empowering Coaches Icon

Empowering Coaches

This series empowers coaches to:

  • Understand and embody the ICF definition of coaching.
  • Prepare for the ICF Credentialing process.
  • Inspire clients to reach their potential through thought-provoking, creative coaching.
Program Structure Icon

Program Structure

This learning experience consists of three elements taken concurrently over a 6-week time span:

  • Knowledge: This covers the ICF Core Competencies in detail, providing a comprehensive understanding.
  • Interpretation: Through Coaching Fundamentals™, participants learn how to effectively apply these competencies.
  • Application: Practical exercises integrate the core competencies into real-world coaching scenarios.
Expert Guidance Icon

Expert Guidance

All classes are led by ICF Certified Coaches with extensive coaching experience. Participants will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of effective coaching practices.
  • Receive professional feedback on actual coaching sessions.
  • Comprehend and apply the ICF Core Competencies effectively.

Contact us about delivering this virtual course to your organization.

Key Skills Section

Competencias clave

  • Visión general del coaching
  • Demostrar una práctica ética
  • Adoptar una mentalidad de coaching
  • Establecer y mantener acuerdos de coaching
  • Cultivar la confianza y la seguridad
  • Mantener la presencia
  • Escucha activa
  • Evocar la conciencia
  • Facilitar el crecimiento de los clientes
  • Prácticas de habilidades de coaching
Key Skills Image
Ventajas de participar
Benefits Image

Ventajas de participar

Learners will...

  • Ganar confianza en su capacidad para entrenar
  • Aprender a discernir la esencia de una conversación de coaching para llegar al meollo de las cosas
  • Recibir técnicas y consejos para aumentar la eficacia de su coaching
  • Disponer de un terreno de juego experimental para probar nuevas habilidades y técnicas de entrenamiento.
  • Experience the power of asking versus telling

Price - $1,795CAD / $1,495 USD

Coaching Competency Series

Explore Each Element of the Coaching Competency Series

Delve into the three integrated components of the Coaching Competency Series and discover how each builds the knowledge, skills, and practical application necessary to become an effective, credentialed coach.

1. ICF Core Competencies Revealed (CCR)

Gain a strong foundation in coaching principles. This self-paced, online program introduces and explains the eight ICF Core Competencies through engaging video lessons, reading materials, and quizzes.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive overview of all eight ICF Core Competencies.
  • Interactive quizzes to reinforce learning.
  • Flexible, self-paced schedule.

2. Coaching Fundamentals Program™ (CF)

Master the interpretation of the coaching competencies. This live, online course guides participants through the practical interpretation of the ICF Core Competencies.

Key Features:

  • Interactive discussions on applying ICF Core Competencies.
  • Real-time guidance and feedback from expert instructors.
  • Engaging, small-group learning via Zoom.

3. Integrating Core Competencies (ICC)

Bring coaching skills to life. This live practice lab helps participants incorporate the ICF Core Competencies into their unique coaching style.

Key Features:

  • Real-world coaching practice in a collaborative environment.
  • Personalized feedback to hone your coaching style.
  • Focus on both professional skills and personal growth.

Opiniones de nuestros alumnos sobre el programa

Los mejores programas de certificación en coaching ejecutivo

Programas aprobados de NIVEL 1 de la International Coaching Federation (ICF)

All Programs in the Fast Track to ICF Credential package are part of our Coach Approach to Leadership Series™, which is approved by the ICF as a Level 1 Program.

Logotipo ICF Nivel 1

Desglose de horas de las competencias básicas de la CIF

5.5.5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ - 20.5 hrs
Coaching Fundamentals Program™ - 28.7 hrs
Advanced Coaching Skills Practicum - 19.4 hrs
Personal Groundwork for Coaching Program - 24.6 hrs
Credentialing Assessment (CAP) Prep Class - 15.7 hrs
Credentialing Success Course - 5.0 hrs
1:1 Mentor Coaching - 3 hrs

Desglose de horas de las competencias básicas de la CIF

Mentor Coaching en grupo - 7 horas
Mentor Coaching 1:1 - 3 horas

Desglose de créditos de desarrollo personal SHRM

5.5.5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ - 12 PDCs
Coaching Fundamentals Program™ - 15 PDCs
Advanced Coaching Skills Practicum - 12 PDCs
Personal Groundwork for Coaching Program - 20 PDCs
Credentialing Assessment (CAP) Prep Class - 9 PDCs

Coaching Out of the Box® está reconocido por la SHRM para ofrecer créditos de desarrollo profesional (PDC) SHRM-CP o SHRM-SCP. Este programa es válido para 68 PDC. Para obtener más información sobre la certificación o recertificación, visite

ICF Core Competency Hours: 39

Para obtener información adicional sobre la certificación ICF y nuestra serie aprobada de NIVEL 1, haga clic aquí.

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1 CCE for attending