Como Coaches y líderes, la única constante que permanece es nuestra necesidad de adaptar y evolucionar nuestras técnicas y el enfoque de nuestro oficio. Esto nunca ha sido tan importante como hoy, cuando cada empresa, en función de sus clientes, proveedores y ubicación de sus empleados, es una empresa global. A medida que la generación Z se incorpora a la fuerza laboral, equilibrando cinco generaciones en el lugar de trabajo, ya sea apareciendo y/o "acercándose", nuestro complejo entorno sigue desafiando a muchos líderes. Mientras tanto, la inestabilidad geopolítica, el cambio climático, la pseudo-recesión y los miedos endémicos añaden estrés e incertidumbre para todos.
It is in this context, we are often told and taught to be present, to be in the moment for our clients and co-workers. Yet, that is not enough. In these times, our goal is to ensure our clients and colleagues thrive, not just survive. We need to be S.H.U.R. Specifically, we need to be able to adapt our approach as leaders and coaches to give others what they need: to be seen; be heard; be understood; and, be respected.
- be SEEN – for who they are and for everything they are. Remember, you cannot serve who you cannot see. This requires us to create and hold safe spaces and bring the positive intent of support.
- be HEARD – not just listened to, but actually heard. This requires us to take an active part in the conversation by rephrasing and checking for understanding.
- be UNDERSTOOD – as it is their perspectives that are paramount. This requires putting our own perspectives on hold while responding with empathy and asking for clarification.
- be RESPECTED – acknowledge the lived experiences of others. This requires us to lean in and meet others where they are. We do not need to agree in order to respect someone, for as human beings we can hold two opposing thoughts at the same time.
To be S.H.U.R. successfully, the coach/leader must dial in and be hyper-focused. They need to be curious about who the person is below the surface to explore what they believe in. They need to stay courageous by asking the different, and sometimes more difficult questions.
In today’s complex world where technology plays a larger role than human connection, we can be the difference maker. be S.H.U.R. in every interaction and see your colleagues thrive!
To learn more about be S.H.U.R. and to explore the role diversity plays in coaching, join me for a FREE webinar on September 21, 2022. Register Here
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be S.H.U.R. Trademark pending