Piensa en lo que hacemos como Coaches: Escuchamos. Hacemos preguntas. Aclaramos. Reflejamos la esencia de lo que oímos/observamos para que el cliente pueda verse a sí mismo. Y luego ayudamos a avanzar hacia los resultados deseados. Lo que hacemos es un trabajo verdaderamente brillante y útil. Uno de los aspectos más poderosos del coaching que cataliza cambios significativos es cuando el coach desafía al coachee. A medida que el coach desarrolla sus habilidades y adquiere más experiencia, la forma en que desafía a sus coachees se vuelve más sofisticada e indeleble. El coach experimentado está dispuesto a ir más allá y pedir grandes cosas, arriesgándose a que el coachee le responda con una fuerte resistencia. ¿El resultado? Se producen cambios.
Entonces, como Coaches, ¿qué estamos desafiando y cómo lo hacemos? La mayoría de las veces, los grandes retos vienen en forma de preguntas muy poderosas. Preguntas que cuestionan lo que se ha dicho o lo que no se ha dicho, pero que está implícito en el lenguaje y la actitud del coachee. Otra forma en que los coaches desafían es haciendo grandes peticiones. Cuanto más grandes y peliagudas, mejor. Cuanto más escandalosas, más poderosas. Dar al coachee la opción de aceptar, rechazar o negociar una petición significa ¡Comenzar a lo grande! Desafíale a que se convierta en su yo más audaz.
Here are some of the most common areas coaches can challenge their coachees and some questions and challenges that can make the ‘shift hit the fan’ with a coachee.
- Beliefs
- Is that really true?
- Who says that’s the way it has to be?
- What evidence do you have to support that?
- I’m going to request you find evidence that says YOU CAN do this!
- I’m going to request that you make up the rules about what you believe versus letting someone else do that for you.
- Assumptions
- Do you know that for a fact?
- Has he/she told you that themselves?
- Do you really know what it’s going to take or are you just guessing?
- I’m going to request that you stop assuming and start KNOWING.
- I’m going to request that you let facts guide your decisions versus guesses.
- Patterns
- From what I’m hearing, this sounds like the same way you approached it last time. Is this the same approach and just a different situation?
- Are you expecting a different outcome from last time?
- I’m going to request that you move out of your comfort zone and into what scares you a little.
- I’m going to request that you stop clinging to what is familiar and be bold with a whole new direction!
- Underestimations
- Are you perhaps overpromising?
- What are you basing it on that you/she/he can’t do it?
- I’m going to request that you act as if you believe in yourself/her/him and THEN decide what actions a person might take who believed that.
- I’m going to request that you under promise and over deliver instead.
- Narrow views or focus
- What might you NOT be seeing or taking into account?
- If you pushed down the walls of how you’re looking at this, what would you see?
- I’m going to request that you broaden your viewpoint of this.
- I’m going to request that you look at this through the eyes of _____________ .
There are so many opportunities for challenging coachees when you are coaching. Listen for them and jump in with both feet!