Julio de 2018

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Common Coaching Challenges
and Tips for Tackling Them


Coaching challenges – whether you are a new coach or seasoned, we all run into sticky situations now and then. This month I am focusing on a couple of the common challenges that coaches face and provide some practical tips for overcoming them.

Challenge #1: Overcoming misconceptions about what coaching is.

Although coaching is not new, and much progress has been made in educating people about coaching, there are still those who are unaware or have misconceptions. One misconception about coaching that persists is that it is for people who have a performance problem. If a potential coachee holds that view and coaching is suggested, you are likely to face someone who is ready to put up their defenses. You may also run into people who are unaware of what coaching is or those who confuse it with mentoring or consulting. If you face any of these challenges, you must do some educating before any real coaching work can begin.

Before starting with a new client or attempting to sell coaching services to an organization, make sure you know what their understanding and view of coaching is. A good way to think of coaching and to put it into language that others can easily grasp is to position coaching as a tool to unleash human potential, increase motivation and sustain high performance. Who doesn’t want that?

Use your questioning and listening skills to learn what the client thinks coaching is. Do they understand the difference between coaching, mentoring, consulting? Do they have a positive, neutral or negative impression of coaching? If you need ideas for new questions or new ways to ask a question as you work through this challenge, you may find our 365 Coaching Questions Booklet helpful.

Make sure you understand what your potential client / coachee goals and objectives are, and that coaching is the right tool. Coaching is a powerful tool, but it is not the answer to every problem in every situation. You must be able to recognize when coaching is not the best fit and be willing to pass on the opportunity when it is not the best tool to use in a given situation. It is much worse to try to force coaching into a situation where it doesn’t belong. For example, if someone isn’t ready to be coached or is looking for someone else to provide solutions to their problems. In these situations, consulting or mentoring may be more appropriate. As we all know, coaches help people develop their own solutions, not tell them what to do.

Challenge #2: Your coachee is not willing to commit / follow-through to action.

This is a challenge both new and seasoned coaches face. You think things are going along well. You are having good coaching sessions, the coachee seems engaged and motivated. You’ve worked out an action plan and feel good about the progress being made. Then, you are caught off guard to discover your coachee has not followed through on the agreed to action plan. Maybe the first time it happens you are not too concerned. You use your questioning skills to understand the reason for lack of follow-through. You and your coachee do a reset of the goals and continue. But then, when the coachee fails to follow through multiple times, you’ve got a real challenge on your hands. Successful coaching is about unleashing potential, helping someone to change and be accountable for his/her future. After you have guided your coachee to an appropriate solution, if he/she is unwilling to be accountable for making it happen you can try a few strategies.

If your coachee is not following through on commitments, it could be that the goals created are not the right ones. A good first step is to do some exploration with your coachee to understand if the goal is the right one, and if not adjust.

You can be assured that there is a roadblock to be uncovered if your coachee’s lack of follow-through behavior is on-going. It may be worth doing a rewind and diving deeper. Our Personal Groundwork for Coaching Assessment™ and accompanying Personal Groundwork for Coaching™ Workbook is a great tool for doing this. It allows coaches to highlight and explore areas that are often at the source of where a coachee becomes stuck, self-defeating or demotivated. Coaches use this tool to uncover the deeper source of what gets in their coachee’s way when moving toward bigger and broader goals. This tool can help you and your coachee uncover what is at the root of their lack of follow-through.

Establishing or, if necessary, revising the coaching contract can be helpful in addressing this challenge. The contract clearly states the roles, responsibilities and expectations. Perhaps the coachee was eager to please and agreed to the contract before really understanding and embracing the process.

Another option is to nudge him/her into making a commitment and exploring his/her level of commitment using a Likert scale question, i.e. “On a scale of 1-10, how committed are you to making this happen?”

If the above strategies and tactics fail to produce the desired result, a last option is to discontinue coaching him/her. None of us want to get to this point but, in some cases, this may be the best option for coach and coachee. If you do get to this point, be sure to use it as a learning experience.

We are here to support you when it comes to coaching challenges. We offer webinars, coaching guides and courses. View our resources here. If you have questions, connect with our Program Advisor.


Cursos de educación y formación


Crear competencias básicas


5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™
ICF Core Competency Hours: 12

Si tus objetivos para 2018 incluyen iniciar un negocio de coaching o utilizar el coaching para liderar dentro de una organización, no querrás perderte nuestro 5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™.

Durante este curso, los participantes aprenden a preguntar, escuchar y enmarcar. Estas habilidades ayudan a los coaches a guiar a sus coachees hacia nuevas percepciones, descubrimientos y avances que les ayudarán a ser autosuficientes en la resolución de problemas y en la consecución de objetivos. Este curso proporciona un aprendizaje en profundidad de las competencias básicas del coaching e incluye múltiples sesiones de práctica y feedback. Únase a los más de 18.000 participantes que han pasado por este programa transformador. Haga clic en el título para obtener más información e inscribirse.

5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ – Starts July 9


Coaching Fundamentals Program™
ICF Core Competency Hours: 15

El coaching se está poniendo de moda. Cada vez más personas recurren al coaching porque produce resultados. El rendimiento de las personas, los equipos y las organizaciones se transforma cuando las habilidades de coaching se desarrollan, se utilizan y se convierten en parte de la cultura. Si le intriga lo que está ocurriendo con el coaching y quiere aprender las habilidades básicas del coaching, esta clase de fundamentos es para usted.



Se trata de un curso práctico que incluye técnicas para generar confianza, escuchar con atención, hacer preguntas evocadoras, planificar y establecer objetivos. El curso incluye sesiones de práctica que son revisadas por un coach profesional que proporciona feedback sobre las habilidades de coaching y la comprensión de las competencias. Aprenderá las habilidades y adquirirá la confianza necesaria para utilizarlas. Haga clic en el nombre del curso para obtener más información e inscribirse.

Coaching Fundamentals Program™ – Starts August 8


Mejore sus competencias


Personal Groundwork for Coaching Program
ICF Core Competency Hours: 20

Are you looking to enhance your coaching skills or take your coaching to the next level? Or maybe you need to obtain CCE credits to renew your ICF credential or add to your coach specific training hours. If any of these apply, check out our Personal Groundwork for Coaching Program™.

In this course you will learn advanced coaching skills to help highlight and explore areas that are often at the source of where a coachee becomes stuck, self-defeating or demotivated. You will also learn how to use the accompanying Personal Groundwork for Coaching™ Workbook, a widely-used tool to help coaches move their clients’ past daily symptoms and into the deeper source of what is getting in their way and preventing them from reaching their goals.

Se trata de una clase práctica. Cada semana trabajarás (fuera del aula) con un compañero diferente para entrenaros mutuamente en los conceptos tratados en clase. Haga clic en el nombre del curso para obtener más información e inscribirse.

Personal Groundwork for Coaching Program™ – starts July 16.


Obtenga su credencial ICF por la vía rápida


Vía rápida para obtener la credencial ICF
Cumple los requisitos educativos para obtener la credencial ICF ACC

Desarrolla tus habilidades y diferénciate saltando a la Vía Rápida. El coaching es cada vez más competitivo y, sin embargo, muchos coaches carecen de credenciales y tienen una formación mínima. Una de las mejores formas de diferenciarse es completar la formación y obtener una credencial de coaching.

Pero conseguir la credencial ICF es un gran paso y un gran compromiso. Por eso hemos creado Fast Track to ICF Credential , para agilizar el proceso y hacerlo lo más cómodo posible.

Entre los beneficios de la acreditación Fast Track to ICF se incluyen;

FASTTRACK: Tarda sólo 6 meses en completarse (otros programas pueden tardar hasta 18 meses).

APRENDIZAJE SÓLIDO Y A DISTANCIA: Utilizamos tecnología punta para crear una experiencia presencial e interactiva en el aula mientras participas a distancia.

EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN DE MÁXIMA CALIDAD: Recibirás una instrucción de primera clase impartida por Coaches expertos con experiencia tanto en el entrenamiento como en la enseñanza.

HORARIO FLEXIBLE: Ofrecemos clases diurnas y nocturnas para su comodidad, y las nuevas clases comienzan durante todo el año.

 AFFORDABLE: This program is priced to fit into your budget. Save $495 US / $595 CDN when you register for the package option. Don’t need the package option? You also have the choice of taking separate modules a la carte. We even have a payment plan.

Our next program (evening) starts July 9. Click here to view the schedule


Ace the ICF Credential exam


ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) Prep Class
ICF Core Competency Hours: 9



This course is designed to prepare coaches for the ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment exam which must be successfully completed prior to receiving the International Coach Federation (ICF) ACC Credential. The course covers ICF Core Competencies and Ethics and Standards plus test taking strategies. This prep class will present several questions each week that mimic the multiple-choice questions you will be asked to answer in the CKA exam. Click the course link below to learn more and register.

ICF CKA Prep Class – Starts July 10


Estación de inspiración

Things turn out the best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.”
– John Wooden

Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.”
– John D. Rockefeller


Recursos de coaching



Ofrecemos muchos recursos sobre una amplia variedad de temas para ayudar a los Coaches de todos los niveles. En nuestro sitio web, puede encontrar artículos de blog, vídeos educativos, grabaciones de seminarios web y mucho más en Coaching Resources. Actualizamos continuamente esta sección, así que consúltela a menudo.

Our coaching guides continue to be very popular and we will be adding to these in 2018. If you haven’t taken advantage of these free resources, you can find them here.

NEW COACHING GUIDE: We just added a new guide on how to bring coaching into your healthcare organization. Note: This guide was based on the experience of several healthcare organizations but the learning applies to any industry. Get your free guide here.


¿Lo sabías?

COTBx ofrece Programas de Desarrollo de Habilidades de Coaching Inmersivo
para organizaciones

Estos programas, impartidos específicamente para su organización, están diseñados para acelerar el aprendizaje y la asimilación. Los programas se ofrecen en formato presencial, virtual y combinado. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información.




Si tienes preguntas sobre coaching, certificación, cursos o más, nos encantaría que nos las hicieras llegar. Haz clic aquí para concertar una cita 1:1 con Alison Hendren, CEO y Fundadora, o rellena nuestro formulario de contacto.



Nos encantaría ponernos en contacto contigo. Ponte en contacto con nuestro equipo aquí o llama gratis a
1-888-4A-COACH (1-888-422-6224).


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