Boletín informativo de marzo de 2018

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Practice Your Coaching Skills

Tips to Build Coaching Skills and Confidence

With the Winter Olympics dominating much of the news, I couldn’t help but be reminded of the importance of practice to sharpen one’s skill and how that translates to coaching, or any endeavor, for that matter. I admire and am inspired by the Olympic athletes. I enjoy watching them but even more I am intrigued and inspired by their stories. You hear so much about the training and practice and time that these athletes put in to improve their skills. It makes me think of the saying, Practice Makes Perfect. But I don’t really like that saying as in reality we rarely, if ever, reach perfection.


Just look at the Olympic competitions. I doubt many people put as much time and effort into practice as these athletes do. And they are at the top of their game, but as we see, not perfect. What is my point? Practice is important but striving for perfection can be counterproductive. To often I’ve seen coaches wanting to perfect their skills before putting them to use. If you wait until you’ve perfected a coaching skill you will have wasted time and people will have missed the opportunity to be coached by you. Instead of waiting until we perfect our skills, we need to aim high and continue to grow and improve. And practice. Every hour of practice leads to improved skill and greater confidence to put those skills to work.

So hopefully I’ve convinced you that practice is important. The obvious next question is how to go about practicing your coaching skills. Here are a few approaches that we’ve seen work well for many coaches.

  • Develop your coaching style. We all develop our own styles. No one style of coaching is best or right. So, observe as many coaches as you can to learn about different styles and then start to experiment with your own. Your style must feel natural to you. Don’t try to force a style that feels uncomfortable to you just because another coach has used it successfully.
  • Start with a safe place. Many coaching courses offer practice / feedback sessions as part of the curriculum. This is an excellent place to start.
  • Begin with simple coaching situations. You might ask your friends, co-workers (who are friendly), or others to let you practice your coaching skills with them.
  • Ask for feedback. Feedback can be an incredible tool. It can also be difficult to hear and, for the one giving the critique, it can be uncomfortable to give open, honest and real feedback. So, make sure you are prepared to hear the feedback and make sure the person evaluating is prepared to give you an honest critique.
  • Observe experienced coaches in action. We often hear that when coaches can see how others are coaching it can lead to an aha moment. When watching others coach, they can see the skills being used and start to really ‘get’ the power of coaching.

If you are interested in observing real coaches utilize their coaching skills in real coaching situations, you’ll want to attend our next free webinar. During this webinar we will have experienced coaches tackle real challenges. No scripting, no rehearsals. Sort of like the improv of coaching. You will observe coaches using their coaching skills in the moment; figuring out what the next question is and where to support the coachee as the dialog unfolds. Don’t miss this unique learning opportunity. Read more about the webinar and register here.


Seminarios educativos

Live Coaching Sessions: Unscripted, Unrehearsed, Real

Our next webinar features live coaching sessions and you won’t want to miss it. These sessions will be real, unscripted, unrehearsed and live.

Desarrollar las habilidades de entrenador requiere práctica, pero puede resultar intimidante al principio. Observar a otros entrenadores en acción puede ser una gran herramienta de aprendizaje y una forma de empezar a desarrollar confianza en tus propias habilidades.

In this webinar we will present real live situations and have real coaches utilize their skills. After each session there will be a feedback session – to highlight what worked and what they might have done differently.

Únase a nosotros en este animado seminario web para ver a los Coaches en acción y aprender:

  • Cómo el coaching puede tener lugar en un corto espacio de tiempo y aportar valor
  • Los diferentes estilos de coaching y la importancia de ser auténtico
  • Commonly used coaching skills with tips and pointers on how to incorporate into your coaching
  • Habilidades para entrenar en el momento
  • Cada sesión de coaching real irá seguida de comentarios y debates para mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje.
  • Tiempo para preguntas y respuestas

Participe en este seminario web gratuito

Wednesday March 21, 2018

11 h Pacífico / 14 h Este



El negocio del coaching

Construir un negocio próspero de coaching requiere algo más que grandes habilidades de coaching. También hay que saber cómo crear una empresa. Para muchos, ésta es la parte más difícil de emprender por cuenta propia. Si está empezando su propio negocio de coaching, consulte nuestra guía - Cómo triunfar como coach o vea nuestro reciente seminario web Cómo triunfar como coach: Estrategias para el éxito.


Tell us one thing

What have you found to be the most effective way to practice your coaching skills?



Estación de inspiración

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.”
– Vince Lombardi

They say that nobody is perfect. Then they tell you practice makes perfect. I wish they’d make up their minds.”
– Winston Churchill

“There is no glory in practice, but without practice, there is no glory.”
– Unknown


Cursos de educación y formación


Crear competencias básicas


Programa de formación en habilidades de coaching 5/5/5™.

If your 2018 goals include starting a coaching business or using coaching to lead within an organization, you won’t want to miss our 5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™.


This course is designed for coaches, managers/leaders who want to use the tool of coaching to improve individual, team and organizational performance. This is for anyone looking for a simple, intuitive and highly transferable coaching model.

During this course participants learn questioning, listening and framing skills designed to guide coachees to new insights, discoveries and breakthroughs that will help them become self-reliant problem solvers and achieve their goals. This course provides in-depth learning of core coaching competencies including multiple practice and feedback sessions. Click on the course name to learn more and register.

5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™  Starts March 6


Mejore sus competencias


Programa Personal Groundwork for Coaching™

Are you looking to enhance your coaching skills? Take your coaching to the next level? Or maybe you are looking for tools to help you with your biggest coaching challenges.

If any of these apply, check out our Personal Groundwork for Coaching Program™ – starts March 22.

In this course you will learn advanced coaching skills to help highlight and explore areas that are often at the source of where a coachee becomes stuck, self-defeating or demotivated. You will also learn how to use the accompanying Personal Groundwork for Coaching Assessment™ Workbook, a widely-used tool to help coaches move their clients past daily symptoms and into the deeper source of what is getting in their way and preventing them from reaching their goals. Click on the course name to learn more and register.

Personal Groundwork for Coaching Program™ – starts March 22.


Supera el examen ICF CKA


ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment

This course is designed to prepare coaches for the ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment exam which must be successfully completed prior to receiving the International Coach Federation (ICF) ACC Credential. The course covers ICF Core Competencies and Ethics and Standards plus test taking strategies. This prep class will present several questions each week that mimic the multiple-choice questions you will be asked to answer in the CKA exam.

ICF Coach Knowledge Assessment – Starts February 28


Obtenga su credencial ICF por la vía rápida


Vía rápida para obtener la credencial ICF

There has never been a better time to obtain your ICF ACC Credential. More and more coaches are getting credentialed and many clients expect it. But pursuing your ICF Credential is a big step and commitment. That is why we created the Fast Track to ICF Credential – to streamline the process and make it as convenient as possible.

New for 2018;

  • we’ve added more class start dates
  • day and evening classes
  • the ability to build your own schedule

Entre los beneficios de la acreditación Fast Track to ICF se incluyen;

FASTTRACK: Tarda sólo 6 meses en completarse (otros programas pueden tardar hasta 18 meses).

APRENDIZAJE SÓLIDO Y A DISTANCIA: Utilizamos tecnología punta para crear una experiencia presencial e interactiva en el aula mientras participas a distancia.

EDUCACIÓN Y FORMACIÓN DE MÁXIMA CALIDAD: Recibirás una instrucción de primera clase impartida por Coaches expertos con experiencia tanto en el entrenamiento como en la enseñanza.

HORARIO FLEXIBLE: Ofrecemos clases diurnas y nocturnas para su comodidad, y las nuevas clases comienzan durante todo el año.

ASEQUIBLE: Este programa tiene un precio que se ajusta a su presupuesto. Ahorra $495 US / $595 Canadá al inscribirte en la opción del paquete. ¿No necesita la opción del paquete? También tiene la opción de tomar módulos separados a la carta. Incluso tenemos un plan de pago.

Our next evening program starts March 6. Click here to view the schedule


Recursos de coaching


Ofrecemos muchos recursos sobre una amplia variedad de temas para ayudar a los Coaches de todos los niveles. En nuestro sitio web, puede encontrar artículos de blog, vídeos educativos, grabaciones de seminarios web y mucho más en Coaching Resources. Actualizamos continuamente esta sección, así que consúltela a menudo.

Nuestras guías de coaching siguen siendo muy populares y las ampliaremos en 2018. Si no has aprovechado estos recursos gratuitos, puedes encontrarlos aquí.

We have several coaching resources to support you in developing your skills and building confidence. Learn more about these resources by clicking on the links below.

365 Coaching Questions. This tool provides provocative questions in 21 different topic areas.

Live Coaching Webinars. Visit our webinars page and then scroll down until you find the webinar titles;

  • Sharpen Your Questioning and Listening Skills
  • The 5/5/5 Live Coaching Demos
  • The 5/5/5 Live Coaching Demos Part 2


¿Lo sabías?

COTBx ofrece Programas de Desarrollo de Habilidades de Coaching Inmersivo
para organizaciones

Estos programas, impartidos específicamente para su organización, están diseñados para acelerar el aprendizaje y la asimilación. Los programas se ofrecen en formato presencial, virtual y combinado. Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información.



Si tienes preguntas sobre coaching, certificación, cursos o más, nos encantaría que nos las hicieras llegar. Haz clic aquí para concertar una cita 1:1 con Alison Hendren, CEO y Fundadora, o rellena nuestro formulario de contacto.



We would love to connect with you! Reach out to our team here or call Toll Free, 
1-888-4A-COACH (1-888-422-6224).


Join Us!

Space is limited – reserve your seat today!
1 CCE for attending