Instructions to complete your Module-by-Module plan
Your work in every module will make this next step easier.
One of the exit criteria to become a DELT is to submit a sub-set of your Module-by-Module delivery plan to your mentor-coach for feedback and review.
This step will help you organize and place all the Notes To Self into the module-by-module to end up with a complete delivery plan.
We only need to see FOUR of your completed modules:
- Module 2 – The Coaching Exchange
- Module 3 – Be Curious & Listening
- Module 4 – Be Accepting & Questioning
- if you are currently a Cotbx Licenced Trainer and are upgrading your licence to be a DELT, please submit Module 6 – Be Focused & Requesting.
- if you are new to Cotbx and this is your first Train-The-Trainer with us, please select any of the modules to submit as your #4.
Populating your module-by-module.
The objective of this exercise is for you to have a fully customized delivery plan and script ready for your first delivery of the course.
- Open the module-by-module file. Notice that after each segment there is a light grey row with the title “Note To Self” and a blank space in the right hand column. This is where you add in your guidance on how you plan to deliver this segment of the module.

- Conveniently the draft ideas you had when you were learning about this segment would have been captured in the corresponding NOTE TO SELF that you emailed to yourself.
- Cut/paste the contents from each Note To Self email, add, modify your thoughts to create solid directions to yourself on how you will deliver each segment of the content.

- Now, go complete this for each segment in all eight modules.
- The next step will help you upload your document for review.
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