COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

7 Most often leaders are given tools that apply to behaviour and results, which can be observed and measured and lie above the surface for everyone to see. But what influences those behaviours and results is often left unaddressed and allowed to lie below the surface of what can be observed and evaluated. Coaching not only addresses what is observable, but also what is invisible and lies below and directly impacts performance. For example, the process of coaching often unearths emotions that greatly influence an individual’s performance such as fear, discouragement or doubt. With teams it can uncover hidden judgments, mistrust and misgivings about others. Coaching also uncovers an individual’s thinking that may not be informed by facts or even reality. In coaching there is opportunity to test a person’s thinking or group thinking with teams (without leading them into the coach’s thinking) to help them clarify and align with facts, reality and each other. An individual’s and group’s beliefs can be explored with curiosity and openness from the coach allowing a fertile ground for new ideas and perspectives to grow. Coaching is self-directed growth. Allowing an individual or team the freedom and choice to map out their own growth and development trajectory through challenges and obstacles and into what can be and is possible, empowers them with the recognition that they are creative and resourceful versus being dependent on leadership for the map. It is how leaders develop other leaders around them. PART ONE - INTRODUCTION What makes coaching a powerful tool? Observable • Emotions • Thinking • Results • Behaviours Invisible • Beliefs • Perspectives COACHING BRINGS AWARENESS TO THE HIDDEN INFLUENCER'S OF BEHAVIOUR.