COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

13 PART TWO - THE CASE FOR COACHING Your Case for Coaching A significant objective of coaching is to close the gap. We coach individuals to close the gap between where they are in the present and where they want to go in the future. We will be looking at how to do this throughout this program. To begin, we’d like you to take a look at closing the gap(s) within your group, department or entire organization. The gaps that lie between things as they are right now, and where you would like them to be once coaching becomes an embedded part of your culture. To do this you will initially need a snapshot of where you feel your department, group or organization is with regard to how people communicate and how effective that communication is to develop and move people forward. We’ve supplied a list of questions to get you started. Some of them may or may not pertain to your group or business environment. If they don’t apply, substitute with what would. We encourage you to think beyond our questions into your specific and unique situations, where you see communication breakdowns and blocks. Next, we would like you to brainstorm a bit and create a snapshot of how you would LIKE the environment to be. For now, perhaps simply using descriptors like: open, curious, communicative, creative, systematic, consistent, supportive, etc., might be a way to approach this. Once you have your snapshots of things as they are in this moment, and how you would prefer them to be, we will revisit the areas you have identified at the end of this program. This will help you to build your own case for coaching and a strategy to use coaching and a coach approach to close the gaps in some or all of the areas identified. Where are the most common communication breakdowns? Does performance development really work? If not, what is this costing? What are the most common reasons for turnover? How effectively are people developed to their potential? Is change resisted or accepted? If resisted, how is this affecting the environment and the ability to move forward? How effective are your performance reviews? How clear are people about the big picture direction? Is feedback normally constructive, well received and ultimately impactful? Are teams agile, innovative, responsive and adaptable? Are mistakes considered learning opportunities? What percentage of your department, team or group do you feel is truly engaged? Key Learning Points Businesses and group environments need to be more agile, innovative, responsive and adaptable than ever before due to expanding technology, changing populations and the global playing field. The shift from algorithmic work environments to an explosive growth of heuristic work environments requires a paradigm shift in how communication happens. A coach approach to leadership taps into the unique motivation system of individuals and teams resulting in higher levels of engagement, more cohesive teams and less resistance to change.