COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

18 PART THREE - THE 5 STEP COACHING EXCHANGE The primary objective of the 5 Step Coaching Exchange is to move the coachee forward and into action in some way. This may be just a babystep forward or, in some instances, a quantum leap. In the coaching exchange the measurement of efficacy is by quality, not quantity of that movement. To determine this we ask, is the coachee moving forward towards their desired goal or outcome in the most productive and least resistant way? A multitude of things happen in the coaching exchange. The exchange is where the coach and coachee get clear about what the coachee wants from the coaching or the conversation. It is also where ideas are explored as the coachee begins to unpack the coachable themes throughout the exchange. New information is brought to the surface and possibilities are seeded and grown. New choices get made and new directions are often forged by the coachee as their perspectives are broadened having learned more just by having the exchange. And finally, it is where obstacles get cleared out of the way for the coachee to move forward. The exchange between the coach and coachee can happen in a variety of ways. There are formal exchanges where the coach and coachee have a time and place set aside with the mutual understanding that coaching is going to happen. Formal coaching is usually an ongoing relationship where the coach and coachee meet repeatedly at predetermined intervals. The coach and coachee agree upon an overarching goal(s) to be met within the duration of the coaching term. At each meeting the coachee comes into the exchange with an agenda they would like to be coached on that is related to the overarching goal(s). Formal coaching provides an opportunity for the coachee to work on a large goal or a multitude of goals. Coachee’s grow and develop over time with coachable themes changing at every meeting, but always relative to the overarching goal(s). The coaching exchange can also be an informal exchange. This is not an established coach / coachee relationship and most often, the person receiving coaching may not even know they are being coached. It can occur between a manager and direct report, peer-to-peer, or even direct report to manager. These exchanges occur in what we call ‘coachable moments’ and can happen in the hallway, over lunch or even when someone pops their head in your office and asks, “Do you have a minute?” They are usually brief and can be continued if both parties agree. Both types of exchanges, formal and informal, can happen in person, on the phone or sometimes even over email. “ I don't know exactly where ideas come from, but when I'm working well ideas just appear. I've heard other people say similar things - so it's one of the ways I know there's help and guidance out there. It's just a matter of our figuring out how to receive the ideas or information that are waiting to be heard.” - Jim Henson