COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

28 3. Determine Timeline The coach and coachee will work together to determine a doable timeline that will ensure success. The coach will be listening for possible over-commitment or underestimation of how long something may take. Only the coachee knows for sure what they are capable of, but it is appropriate for the coach to check in on things that may sound off. The coach can introduce the notion of under-promising and over-delivering in this component. Some questions the coach may ask in determining the timeline are: When will you begin / achieve / deliver / complete ? Is that a realistic time frame? When you say you can get this done by , are you accounting for the unexpected things that may come up along the way and building in some extra time? Do know for sure what people’s expectations are for this to be completed? 4. Goal Chart Visual representations of the goal and the strategy around it is a wonderful coaching tool for more complex plans. A goal chart should capture all the moving parts of the strategy into an easy to glance at visual where the coachee can actively chart their progress as they move along their timeline. Some questions that the coach may ask to help the coachee create the most helpful goal chart for themselves are: What would be the most helpful things for you to see quickly to know you are on target? How will you gauge where you are in the process? How will you know you are on track? How will you know you have achieved your objective? 5. Prioritize Actions The coach and coachee will work together to sort out what the highest priority actions are in the strategy. This may shift and change as the strategy bridge is built. The coach may need to dig deep with questions to help the coachee organize competing priorities in the process. Again, the coach is listening for uncertainly and lack of clarity around what actions come first. Some questions the coach may ask are: What comes first? Which action, if completed before the others, will make the others easier? It is important to know that the five components can take place in any order and are not to be considered a linear process. As we mentioned earlier, not every component is appropriate to use for different types of actions. PART THREE - THE 5 STEP COACHING EXCHANGE Key Learning Points Strategizing is how the coach and coachee bridge the gap from where the coachee is to where they want to be. The coach and coachee co-create a path of least resistance. The strategy is built by: Verifying the commitment Outlining resources Determining timeline Goal charting Prioritizing actions Listening, Questioning and Action Planning are the Core Coaching Skills used most.