COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

47 PART FOUR - THE 5 CORE COACHING SKILLS Clarifying Self Awareness Action Challenging 3. Use different types of questions There are many different kinds of questions with most of them falling into one of the following quadrants: CLARIFYING QUESTIONS remove any element of vagueness. It requires the coach to listen carefully to the language the coachee uses and not step over anything that isn’t crystal clear for the coachee. SELF AWARENESS QUESTIONS require the coachee to examine their beliefs, actions, choices and decisions. These questions also root out assumptions and limiting beliefs and ask the coachee to look at who they are being in any given situation and if it aligns with their personal standards. They also require the coachee to examine their relationship with facts and reality. CHALLENGING QUESTIONS dare the coachee to think bigger, act bolder or let go of something that does not serve them or their goal(s). They can challenge the coachee’s thinking, assumptions, beliefs or actions enabling the coachee to get down to their absolute truth. ACTION QUESTIONS ask for forward movement and definition of what actions will be taken. They come from the coach’s belief that the coachee is capable of knowing what actions are appropriate and correct for them. Clarifying Questions Self Awareness Questions Challenging Questions Action Questions What will make this project easier? How much is enough? What do you really want? What resources will you need? How do you want to move forward with this? How can you overcome this obstacle? What can you do to make this happen? What are your next steps? What’s it going to take for you to _________? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? What are you willing to do? What would it look like if you were leveraging this strength fully? What is this costing you? What needs to change within you to make this happen? How can you grow from this experience? What motivates you? / What shuts you down?