COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

57 Your Requesting Improvement Plan Is there a specific situation going on with someone around you right now who may be stuck, holding back or not seeing their full potential in something they are facing? What request could you make to them? What huge request could someone make of you to get you unstuck or keep you from holding back any longer? Key Learning Points Requesting is an advanced skill and is not used in every coaching exchange. A coach makes a request when they sense the coachee is stuck or holding back or when they feel the coachee is ready to move forward in a bigger way than the coachee may be ready to ask of themselves. Requests send a powerful message to the coachee that the coach sees a bigger potential in them than they may be seeing in themselves at that time. A request is constructed by the coach; 1) Seeing the opportunity to make a request. 2) Making the request. 3) Then allowing the coachee to accept, reject or negotiate the request. It is important for the coach to anchor the commitment to the request by asking for a deadline or timeline and specific action(s). PART FOUR - THE 5 CORE COACHING SKILLS