COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

89 PART SIX PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER PART SIX - PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER Now that you have learned the 5.5.5 Model, it’s time to see how it all fits together. We have two diagrams that show the interconnectivity between The 5 Core Coaching Skills, The 5 Step Coaching Exchange and The 5 Guiding Principles. The first diagram illustrates a linear relationship. These relationships are what we see most often in coaching, but not always. Because we are coaching unique individuals and their unique situations, it’s important to remain flexible in how we use the model to meet the person and their situation. For example, the coach obviously needs to remain curious when they are in the process of Identifying and Discovery and using the skills of Listening and Questioning although Curiosity can serve the coach well when Requesting. If the coach remains Curious, they will be able to sense subtle indications from the coachee on how they are taking in and responding to the Request. The second diagram illustrates how the Guiding Principles infuse and surround ALL of the Coaching Skills and the Coaching Exchange. Who the coach is being will always influence the effectiveness of how the Skills are used and the depth and degree to which the Coaching Exchange goes. The overall goal of the 5.5.5 Model is to give you a framework and methodology for coaching. It will be up to you to step into the art of coaching. This means to bring your personal communication style, way of connecting and insight abilities to the coaching and to respond to the subtleties and nuances of the unique individual that you are working with. It also means integrating a coach approach into all you do. Coaching is much more than something you do. It becomes a way of being and is a foundational element of powerful and influential leadership.