COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

12 PART TWO - THE CASE FOR COACHING Engagement Coaching leads to higher levels of engagement. The American Management Association and the Institute for Corporate Productivity conducted a study of over 1000 leaders from a variety of businesses and found that 41 percent had used coaching to boost employee engagement. Why? Coaching targets key areas that lead to higher levels of engagement: Expectations are communicated more clearly Blocks to resources are uncovered Dialogues shift from what must be done to what can be done Authentic acknowledgment takes place The focus is on the person, not just the result Shifts in awareness occur which result in sustainable behavioral and developmental change Space is given for opinions and ideas Connections are made between personal goals and organizational goals Team Building When leaders learn coaching skills and employ them with teams, it permeates throughout the team and models a new way of communication that promotes trust, embeds accountability, allows for brilliance to rise up out of chaos and clears pathways to clarity and focus on common goals and results. Coaching also models acceptance of other’s ideas, opinions and ways of being, even when there is no agreement. Change When significant change comes to an organization, it is often met with resistance and confusion. No matter how well it has been planned and communicated, change can incite fear and affect behavior and performance. A leader as coach can help usher in change by working with teams and individuals to understand the connection between the coming change and their aspirations, personal goals and unique motivation system. They become “enrolled” into change versus resistant to it. coaching works