COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

32 Defining and filling in what is missing As things unfold, even after the strategy is built, there may be something additional missing that wasn’t thought of before. This is the time to check in to see what, if anything is missing. Questions the coach may ask: What’s missing? Who do you need to talk to in order to find out what you don’t know? Is there anything we haven’t covered? Navigating relationships with self, time and others Successful strategies usually require a dose of reality. Again, it is easy to get swept up in the planning, forward motion and vision of what is ahead, but reality can derail even the bestlaid plans. Those derailments often come from unexamined possibilities in our relationships with ourselves, others or time. Some questions a coach can ask are: How might you get in your own way? Who do you need to enroll into your strategy? How will you handle push-back from others? What will keep you accountable? How can you make space in your calendar/ diary to ensure success? Is this a realistic time frame given all that needs to be done? Letting go of limiting beliefs, attitudes and assumptions Clearing the way often means pushing down the walls that keep our perspectives narrow or not seeing things as they really are. We cannot accomplish what we don’t believe is accomplishable. We cannot see what doesn’t exist in our belief system. Without knowing what is truthfully so, we are informed by and act upon assumptions and guesses. These become invisible obstacles to success. Some questions the coach can ask: How may your attitude be getting in the way of success? What would it take to give that up? Do you know that for sure, or are you guessing? If you were to look at this from ’s perspective, what would you see that you don’t see now? Do you believe this can be done? The Relationship Between Requesting and Clearing the Way In Part 4 you will learn about the core coaching skill of requesting. Coaches make requests when the coachee is stuck, holding back or selling themselves short. When Clearing the Way, an opportunity for making a request will usually present itself. Know a request is designed to stretch someone out of their comfort zone and into action or forward movement in a bigger way than they may even know they are ready for. Key Learning Points Clearing the way means creating a path of least resistance. When clearing the way – Address obstacles Ensure they have proper support Identify what is missing Road map relationships Let go of what needs letting go of Listening, Questioning and Requesting are the Core Coaching Skills used most. PART THREE - THE 5 STEP COACHING EXCHANGE