COTBx Learners Guide 2023.A

3 PART ONE INTRODUCTION The International Coaching Federation (ICF), the leading global coaching organization, which sets coaching industry standards and provides examination and professional certification to coaches throughout the world, defines coaching as: “Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” This definition is upheld by Core Competencies, which were developed to support a greater understanding of the skills and approaches used within coaching. These Core Competencies have become the underpinnings for just about all coach training whether it is for business, executive, leadership, life or any other type of coaching. They also constitute the foundational learning that must be demonstrated in the examination process for various levels of professional coach accreditation through the ICF. Over 40,000 professional coaches have been trained, tested and certified with this common understanding of coaching proficiency in over 130 countries. These competencies have been tried and tested for over a decade proving they cross cultural, gender and age differences with ease. Coaching has grown at a tremendous rate since the early 1990’s when the first coach training programs were introduced. It has evolved, not only as a stand-alone profession for private practitioners, but also as a leadership competency with the demand rising in that sector. This program, and others at Coaching Out of the Box®, were developed by a group of early pioneers in the coaching profession. Some played a key role in the development of the Core Competencies for the ICF. This program has taken the complexities of those Core Competencies and put them in an easy to understand and quickly transferable model. It has been designed specifically for busy leaders to apply to everyday leadership opportunities and challenges instantly. As you enter into this program and acquire these new coaching skills, it is important to keep in mind that coaching is both an art and a science. While you will have concrete skills and concepts to work from, each individual you engage with in a coaching exchange is unique and will respond to coaching in a different way. They and their situations are fluid and ever changing so your coaching will need to adjust and flex to meet each individual, where they are, in that moment of time. This is indeed an art, refined over time with plenty of practice. We encourage you to be patient and observant as you cultivate your learning. Like an artist, you will begin to see the nuances and subtleties that result in profound VIEW watch?v=0D1m8vSfpAk expression of the art.