Train-The-trainer Courses

T4 para el Programa de formación en habilidades de coaching 5.5.5™.
Designed for coach-trainers to add products and services to their portfolio by becoming fully qualified and licensed to deliver the updated 5.5.5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ to their client organizations. The coach-trainer will learn how to facilitate the program live online or in person using traditional hardcopy materials and/or provide their students with full online access to materials.

T3 para conversaciones con propósito©
The Purposeful Conversations© program is available to uniquely licensed Digitally Enabled Licensed Trainers (DELT). The core of the 5.5.5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ is now fully ready for non-coach groups, managers, influencers, and senior professionals, who want to add coaching power, the ability to provide feedback, and the unique ability to dance between managing/influencing and coaching/engaging in the same conversation.

T3 para el Coach Certificado en Diversidad
Este programa es clave para todos los Coaches Certificados en Diversidad que quieran ampliar su oferta comercial. Obtenga la licencia para impartir TRES programas de diversidad a coaches, así como a individuos y líderes. Esta es una oportunidad para ampliar su base de clientes y hacer crecer su negocio, mientras que también aprender a trabajar con equipos e individuos en la toma de conciencia de DEIB, así como las herramientas a utilizar en cada conversación.