I am a high energy Certified Executive Coach with over 25 years of experience working with people in nation-wide organizations. I have held a variety of Human Resource management and leadership positions in the federal public sector. I have expertise in organizational transformation and transition, workforce management and development, and managing human resource organizations and services. I have extensive experience working with executives and their teams to enhance organizational and individual performance through improving activities of strategic planning, engagement, consultation and establishing internal and external partnerships. I value collaboration, respect and tolerance.
My personal vision is to work in partnership with people to leverage and maximize their talent, so they can be all they can be!
Utilizando un enfoque de coach, me asocio con las personas para acceder a su conocimiento interior y alcanzar su máximo potencial, actúo como su "socio pensante" navegando por situaciones complejas para encontrar soluciones óptimas y descubrir nuevas posibilidades en su vida personal y profesional.
I am a Certified Executive Coach (Royal Roads University) and a certified trainer in Coaching Out of the Box. I hold a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Management and am the current Vice-President of the International Coach Federation, Saskatchewan Chapter.
I am married with two adult children – who have taught me lots about life! I appreciate travel, cooking, nice wines and good coffee. I also enjoy running, skiing and am striving to improve my golf game.
Continuing on my learning and life journey, I am inspired to work as your coach as I am personally motivated by other’s success! I will partner with you to identify and seize incredible opportunities, challenge you to reach above and beyond what you think you are capable of, and work with you to discover amazing possibilities!