Acreditación de Coaches
We receive many questions about coach certification and the process of obtaining an ICF credential. And really, the number of questions we receive is no surprise. With multiple application paths as well as different and changing requirements, the process can be confusing. Applying for your ICF credential is a BIG step and you don’t want to miss anything that could delay or jeopardize receiving your credential. Our goal is to provide useful tips to those who are currently or will soon be pursuing the ICF ACC credential.
A good place to start is with a review of the ICF ACC requirements. Make sure you are clear about what is required BEFORE you submit your ACC application.
If you are in the process of embarking on your Coach Certification journey, knowing what path you intend to take with your coach training is a good place to start. The different paths are ACSTH (Approved Coach Specific Training Hours), Portfolio and ACTP (Accredited Coach Training Path).
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Book a call with our Program Advisor – Emily MacDonald