We all do it. Some may call it action planning, others may call it strategizing. Regardless, it is something we do on a daily basis to accomplish our tasks and goals or to get from Point A to Point B.
Think about it.
If you like to write out your grocery list in the order that the items appear in the store, you are action planning in order to ensure that you get everything you need. OR
If you schedule your day from appointments to downtime, you too are action planning in order to make the most of your day.
As a matter of fact, action planning and implementation is one of the key elements in coaching. It helps our coachees to stay on target and to take forward movement. It takes a discovery-type conversation to the next level. Any time we can put a new awareness to use, we are not only growing, but we are increasing our success rates.
To learn more about action planning and how to effectively use it with your team or your clients, please join us for 5/5/5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ beginning September 26th.