5.5.5 Programa de formación en habilidades de coaching™.

Resumen del curso
El 5.5.5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ se nutre de la base de conocimientos más avanzada en el campo del coaching y se traduce en un marco sencillo, intuitivo y altamente transferible para ejecutivos y directivos ocupados.
Este curso se ofrece a través de nuestras clases virtuales públicas o podemos llevarlo a su organización en uno de nuestros formatos de formación flexibles.
Competencias clave
- Un proceso de cinco pasos para una conversación de coaching
- Escucha multidimensional
- Preguntas poderosas que aceleran el desarrollo y la obtención de nuevos conocimientos
- Catalizar acciones más grandes y audaces
- Fomentar la acción, el crecimiento y la toma de conciencia
- Establecer objetivos significativos y motivadores y planes viables para alcanzarlos.
- Cinco comportamientos fundamentales que los entrenadores experimentados siempre utilizan
Ventajas de participar
Los alumnos adquieren herramientas que les…
- De hablar con los demás a nuevas formas de escuchar.
- De construir muros a generar confianza.
- De decir a los demás lo que tienen que hacer a hacer preguntas poderosas.
- De las duras verdades al feedback productivo.
- De la resolución de problemas para otros al desarrollo de solucionadores de problemas ingeniosos y autosuficientes.
Precio - $1,095 CAD / $925 USD
See What Others Are Saying About Our Programs
"It's a transformational program that is teaching me skills I can apply in my personal and professional life. I love the flexibility the program allows me to balance a demanding full-time job and family life with the rigorous requirements of moving toward ICF accreditation."

"Excellent facilitators and the course gives a great foundation of coaching knowledge."

"This class is a wonderful introduction to the 555 method of coaching, as well as the basics of coaching itself. Delivered by two seasoned coach/trainers it was a great mix of content and experiences."

"I would highly recommend it. It is well organized, and I already feel better equipped to be a coach! The facilitators are authentic coaches and really care for our success. I appreciate the bond I now have with my classmates and fellow coaches."

"It provided another level on my coaching journey and it was delivered in a way that I looked forward to each and every week. Some of the coachee's issues were ones I could identify with so there was "Vicarious Coaching" for me as a listener."

"The administration team is fantastic - like a well oiled machine, responsive and I feel like they genuinely want to help their customer/student. This is a great course for professionals and individuals that want to develop and refine their communication and leadership skills as well as challenge their thinking and beliefs."

And if you need one more reason to join us for the next program date... "Take the fast track course! It's awesome! Well designed and expertly delivered!"

"I love the facilitators and their passion. Coaching is like chess, and true to that analogy most of your value is in playing and studying games."

"The experience for me is that our facilitators really are 'down to earth' and human - they are understanding all of the barriers that can come up in 'life' and are very compassionate."

"Great instructors. Helpful and supportive. Also, very good support and admin team!"

"I like the dynamism of this company for my coaching learning."

Próximas fechas del programa
Fecha de inicio: Martes, 7 de septiembre de 2023
Duración: 8 semanas
Hora: 9:30-11:00 am Pacífico / 12:30-2:00 pm Este
Precio - $1,095 CAD / $925 USD
Serie aprobada por la Federación Internacional de Coaching (ICF) NIVEL 1

El 5.5.5 Coaching Skills Training Program™ es el Segmento 1 del Coach Approach to Leadership Series™, aprobado por la ICF como Programa de NIVEL 1.
Créditos de Desarrollo Personal SHRM: 12

Coaching Out of the Box® está reconocido por SHRM para ofrecer créditos de desarrollo profesional (PDC) SHRM-CP o SHRM-SCP. Este programa es válido para 12 CDP. Si desea más información sobre la certificación o recertificación, visite shrmcertification.org.
Horas de competencia básica de la ICF: 20,5
Para obtener información adicional sobre la certificación ICF y nuestra serie aprobada de NIVEL 1, haga clic aquí.