Tag: icfcredential

April 2022 – Changes to the ICF Credentialing Process


You may have heard the buzz that is happening at the ICF (International Coaching Federation) right now… all these changes but what is in a change? Let us enlighten you as we assure you, that the ICF has just made it easier for Coaching Out Of the Box® to remain your single place to obtain the coach training, mentoring, and professional assessment you need to comfortably apply for your ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential.

This change is happening, and it is happening fast! Within the next 18 months, ICF accredited organizations and institutions, and those interested in pursuing ICF organizational accreditation will partake in a series of both structural and standards updates. Through the collaboration of stakeholders and staff, the ICF will strengthen the coaching profession through the use of validated coaching competencies, a common code of ethics, and fair, reasonable assessments.

We remain your place to receive coach-specific training, mentoring, and professional assessment you need to comfortably apply for your ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential.

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