Resource Library

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A group of businesspeople sitting together in a meeting

Success Stories: How Corporate Coaching Can Be Transformative

with Sean Mohammed of Blue Ocean Contact Centers

Sean Mohammed sat with our President, Pablo Leites, to discuss how a Coaching Culture has become synonymous with Corporate Culture at Blue Ocean Contact Centers in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he’s Senior Manager of HR.

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Podcast featuring Mee Ok Icaro interviewed by Jen Anderson on the Inspiring Coaches show. The episode is called Coaching and Plant Medicine: A Safe Space for Growth

Coaching and Plant Medicine: A Safe Space for Growth

We sat down with Mee Ok Icaro to discuss the role of plant medicine in coaching. A powerful voice in the world of visionary medicine and personal growth as a life purpose coach, a writer, a book Doula, a sacred medicine advisor, and integration specialist, Icaro is dedicated to helping individuals heal and find their path in life; skilled in Gabor Maté’s compassionate inquiry, a method she has personally integrated for over a decade to transform her own life.

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From the Corporate Grind to a Fulfilling Career as Life Coach: Carly’s Journey

Sometimes, the road to fulfillment is uncertain; a giant, scary “what if” that takes us away from familiar paths—but one that can also lead us to exciting new careers. For Carly (last name omitted for her clients’ privacy purposes), leaving her corporate job wasn’t just a change of workplace but a transformation in how she lives and what she values. A former Coaching Out of the Box graduate, Carly made the shift to a rewarding coaching career that has greatly impacted her life. Her experience is an inspiration for everyone who has ever wondered if taking the leap is worth it!

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Owning Your Gold©: Naming And Claiming Your Core Presence with Carolyn Hamilton-Kuby, PCC, CEC

“Own who you are, at the essence of who you are.”

~ Carolyn Hamilton-Kuby, PCC, CEC

I love to start every coaching session by asking clients what can we celebrate from their life? Why? Because that sort of celebration of the every day doesn’t necessarily come naturally to us. But, recognizing those little moments that were positive, where things are going well and acknowledging them, that can create an instant shift.

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