This learning experience combines live online (Zoom) classes and self-study materials (this content).
- Review the content in the course resources to become familiar with this course. These pages will guide you through the entire learning experience.
- This section contains the downloads and access to all course materials. Many of them can be downloaded for your use. (Please note the Learner’s Guide is available for purchase as a hard copy book, please ask how to get your copy).
- Attend the Zoom class each week at the designated time. See the CLASS folder each week.
- Attendance is mandatory. See the Missed Class Policy for how to ensure 100% attendance.
- The course content is divided into modules we called WEEKs. Each week has its own:
- CLASS folder – which contains the ZOOM LINK to each week’s live class.
- FIELDWORK folder – which contains exercises to be completed after every live Zoom class.
- Log in and start each week in the correct CLASS folder.
- Each week, complete the fieldwork found in the FIELDWORK folder.
- IMPORTANT: Once you have completed a Class or Fieldwork topic MARK AS COMPLETE. All lessons and sections need to be completed to be awarded a Completion Certificate.
- Use the navigation summary box at the top left to locate each week’s material.
- Each week you are likely to be the coach AND be the Coachee. Come to class with real topics you can get coached on.
The Student Coach Resources hub is a dedicated space tailored to empower aspiring coaches on their academic and professional journey.