Student Insights

For almost 37 years, Coaching Out of the Box® has been “Committed to Excellence” (The Business Insider) in coach education, providing world-class coach education programs and courses that are fully accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). We are also committed to providing thought-leadership information and insight that is timely, topical, and relevant to those of you who are new to the coaching profession, are seasoned coaches, and those of you who are just starting out on your journey to acquire coaching skills, training and/or attaining a coaching credential. Accordingly, today’s article is not written by anyone here at Coaching Out of the Box® but rather we share with you the words of a former student who, like so many, has chosen to embark on our Fast Track to ICF Credential program as well as our popular Certified Diversity Coach Program. On behalf of the Coaching Out of the Box® team, it gives me great pleasure to share the following from Beate Trost, ACC and founder of Cookies and Tea (


For the longest time, when asked about what drove me to become a coach, I would say: Serendipity.


Someone recognized me as a great listener and a confidante, and through word of mouth, my little apartment in Shanghai became a safe space for people to share their thoughts and feelings.


Surprisingly, my coaching sessions became known as “Cookies and Tea”. It was not just a catchy name; it symbolized the essence of the atmosphere I aimed to create. It represented a comforting and nurturing environment where individuals could freely express themselves and explore their inner world.



Along the way, I realized that my Personal Experience also played a role.


With a long history of both joyful accomplishments and brutal setbacks, I have done the necessary work, faced roadblocks, celebrated successes, and developed the resilience to find myself coming out somewhere in a balanced middle.


Now, I am thrilled to announce that I can officially add: ‘I am Qualified!’


What truly sets apart an ICF-certified Professional Coach from the multitude of individuals who call themselves coaches is a Coaching Mindset. It involves making a personal commitment to professionalism, abiding by a Code of Ethics, and embracing a continuous growth mindset. We continually strive to learn, develop self-awareness as coaches, and always seek opportunities to grow.


My experience and personal growth will always guide my curiosity, enabling me to ask the most useful and beneficial questions for my clients. The value I provide as a coach doesn’t solely come from sharing my own experiences with my clients; it stems from my ability to discern the subtleties in the questions I ask and transform them into powerful inquiries. This process creates awareness, fosters trust and safety, and ultimately supports sustainable change.

As I continue to develop my agency and professionalism as a coach, I firmly believe that coaching is more than just a profession—it is a lifelong journey of growth and transformation. It encompasses the excellent training at Coaching Out Of The Box®, an extraordinary cohort and community of peers, as well as the invaluable insights and learnings gained from every client I have the privilege of working with, that contribute to my own personal and professional evolution.

If you would like to learn more about the strategies, methodologies, and tools I employ, or if you are curious and would like to book your own session with Cookies and Tea, I invite you to connect with me through my website:

Beate Trost, ACC and founder of Cookies and Tea Collective


If you are seeking an ICF ACC Credential, we encourage you to check out our Fast Track to ICF Credential, or feel free to schedule a call with an enrolment coach today,

Ellie Tava
Director of Sales

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