
We presented our findings with over 5,000 people in the Healthcare Sector to Harvard Medical School, Institute of Coaching and McLean Hospital.

Here is what we shared:

  1. Our research, about bringing coaching skills to large numbers of people in Healthcare, is ground-breaking. Our approach to wide-scale development of coaching skills that can be used as part of the work that leaders, directors, physicians, child life specialists, acute rehab teams, family practice physicians etc. are doing is unique. Coaching skills are being used in working with teams, individuals in short 5 minute chats, or longer conversations with co-workers, direct reports, surgical teams, patients and families. As a result, this has changed the kinds of conversations healthcare workers are having and is speaking to the hunger for different conversations that are solution focused and promote accountability.
  2. We shared 3 key elements for success – Easily adoptable coaching skills program, Internal Champion and the ability to build Internal Capacity.
  3. The results were measured using an evaluation framework and logic model. Data collection was done through pre and post surveys to all participants and focus groups. An external consultant analyzed the data and summarized the findings.
Our Trainers
Seven results

Here are the top seven results achieved:

  1. Improved listening
  2. Improved communication
  3. Improved ability to give feedback
  4. Improved conflict resolution
  5. Positively impacted relationships
  6. Improvement in team dynamics & team communication
  7. Increased ability to engage staff in conversations that are solutions-focused and promote accountability.

In addition to the intended results, there has also been a far reaching and positive trickle down effect. The original intention was to work with teams and leadership, but with the infectious spread of coaching it expanded and integrated into unique and untapped projects, programs and groups, i.e. Child Life Specialists, Diabetes Research, Leadership, Acute Rehab Team, Eating Disorders, Patients, Family & Clinicians and more. 

Not only are we having a huge impact in the Healthcare field, but this same approach is working in non-healthcare related organizations (i.e. manufacturing, energy, education, sales, retail, government) as well!

For more on measuring results and success stories:

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