Talk Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Course Overview
This key note address is recommended for individuals interested in learning more about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging. Participants will gain an understanding of DEIB and what it means to them, clear techniques on how to embrace diversity in every interaction, the language and terms needed for enhanced communication, and specific commitments to practice and apply in their everyday interactions. This program is offered as either a 60-minute lecture, or a 90-minute highly interactive program with a mixture of lectures, exercises, and class participation.
- Recommended for individuals interested in learning more about Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging.
- Through a variety of methods, including presentation, videos, dialogue, and exercises, participants will learn about diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEI&B) as well as explore the impacts of unconscious bias.
- Leveraging the ‘Dimensions of Diversity’ and the ‘D+E+I=BE ’ success formula, participants will walk away with working definitions of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging; the context to working in an organization/team; and their responsibility to embrace and apply DEI&B every day.
- Participants will gain an understanding of DEIB and what it means to them, clear techniques on how to embrace diversity in every interaction, the language and terms needed for enhanced communication, and specific commitments to practice and apply in their everyday interactions.
- Offered as a 60-minute lecture OR a 90-minute highly interactive program balancing of lecture, exercises, and class participation.
- For the 90-minute program, class size is recommended at 6 minimum, 20 maximum per class for quality interaction and dialogue.
- For the 60-minute lecture, no minimum or maximum number of participants.
- This program can be adapted to individual contributors, people leaders, executive leadership, and by functional areas.
– Offered virtually; in-person can be arranged.
* According to the Association of Talent Development, companies that offer comprehensive training programs have 218% higher revenue per employee and a 24% higher profit margin than companies that spend less on training.
* Companies with 2-D¹ diverse leadership are 45% more likely to see market growth over the previous year and are 70% more likely to expand into new markets. Harvard Business Review
Note ¹ 2-D explained two dimensions of diversity, and it covers inherent (gender, ethnicity, and sexual orientation) and acquired (skills and education) traits.
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See what others are saying about the course
Coaching Out of the Box ® was the clear winner in that they listened closely to our requirements and then created a program that was closely aligned to them. Most importantly, they delivered with outstanding, impactful facilitation.
Because of Coaching Out of the Box ®, our HR team is already more effective at coaching in the moment, and we’ve begun formal internal coaching as well."