Category: Coaching Resources

June 2022 – Are you ready to jump into your next big thing


Welcome to June!
Have you ever had a hard time coming up with a coaching topic? You have a coaching session booked and you keep ruminating over what you want to talk about. Sometimes this even happens in a public forum during coach training courses where you are asked to come up with topics for your coaching sessions. We asked our panel of esteemed experts to provide us with some insight on how they come up with coaching topics, here’s what they had to say…
“My go-to resource when I’m looking for a topic for coaching is my Personal Groundwork for Coaching Assessment. I consider that tool a snapshot in time and there are always things that surface that require my attention at different times of the year or in my life.
Alternatively, if you are open to it, reach out to your manager, your colleagues or your family and friends and ask for some feedback on what you are doing well and/or what you could be doing differently. Most people shy away from seeking out feedback on a regular basis. This can be one of the most powerful tools in continuing to work on becoming the best version of yourself.
Finally, think about the goals you have set for yourself. Have you achieved them all? Is there something you have always wanted to try or learn more about and for whatever reason you have yet to set the wheels in motion? Coaching can be a wonderful opportunity to begin to explore possibilities and build a bucket list full of things that would fulfil your wildest hopes and dreams. Too often we play it safe thinking we should only focus on what’s immediately possible. Why not play a bigger game and challenge yourself to think bigger!” — Sinive Seely, PCC, Coach Facilitator/Mentor Coach COBTx

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May 2022 – New Program Alerts

Welcome to May! Time seems to fly when you are busy. We have lots of exciting news to share with you, so let’s just dive right in.

New Program Alert! We have a few new programs that we are very excited to share with you.

If you are currently a Licensed Trainer, you will be receiving an email shortly inviting you to upgrade your Licensed Trainer to Digitally Enhanced Licensed Trainer. The cost is small, but the benefit is huge! We have updated our flagship program over the past year and have enhanced its offering, providing a more robust program that we are now ready to share with our current Licensed Trainers. If you don’t receive this notification, then please reach out to us so we can make sure you get in on this exciting offer!

Are you a current coach, have your credentials, or are a grad of our Fast Track to ICF Credential program and want to become a Licensed Trainer? Then we have you covered, our new Train the Trainer for 5.5.5 Coaching Skills Training (T4) is almost ready to go live and we would love for you to become licensed with us to deliver this pragmatic and transformational program to organizations and share your knowledge with others around the globe. We have completely enhanced this program and are able to offer this as a self-paced course with enhanced learning, live class demonstrations and a full module-by-module delivery guide. We are also excited to offer you your very own mentor coach to guide you along the way. Merv Rogers, MCC is your digital mentor for this program and provides a very interactive yet-to-the-point learning environment in a self-paced format. Learn more here…

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April 2022 – Changes to the ICF Credentialing Process


You may have heard the buzz that is happening at the ICF (International Coaching Federation) right now… all these changes but what is in a change? Let us enlighten you as we assure you, that the ICF has just made it easier for Coaching Out Of the Box® to remain your single place to obtain the coach training, mentoring, and professional assessment you need to comfortably apply for your ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential.

This change is happening, and it is happening fast! Within the next 18 months, ICF accredited organizations and institutions, and those interested in pursuing ICF organizational accreditation will partake in a series of both structural and standards updates. Through the collaboration of stakeholders and staff, the ICF will strengthen the coaching profession through the use of validated coaching competencies, a common code of ethics, and fair, reasonable assessments.

We remain your place to receive coach-specific training, mentoring, and professional assessment you need to comfortably apply for your ICF Associate Certified Coach (ACC) credential.

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March 2022 – The Future of Coaching: Change Agent


As the coaching community begins to embrace diversity in coaching, it will need to embrace its role as a change agent as well. “Coaching is not seen as neutral; it either supports the status quo or creates critical awareness necessary to change it”, states Charmaine Roche and Jonathan Passmore in their recent article Racial Justice, Equity and Belonging in Coaching.

In coaching, our opportunity to change the status quo is by identifying and exploring the dimensions of difference within your client. Whether these are dimensions of diversity or cultural differences, this discussion gives deeper and greater context to the client’s lived experiences. In this way, the client can determine whether those differences may or may not have an impact or meaning in the context of their future life. This is embracing diversity in coaching. — Patricia A. Lee, ACC READ MORE…

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February 2022 – How to set boundaries with clients



Boundaries are essential to a healthy relationship with any client. Sometimes coaches allow problematic client behaviors to continue for fear of upsetting, or even losing, the client. This sets a precedent that can lead to bigger problems down the road.

You need to decide, as the coach, what boundaries are important to you. Identify comfortable physical, mental, emotional and spiritual limits before starting out with clients. And for when you do start, here are 6 ways to set and preserve your boundaries. READ MORE…

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Join us as we learn from our highly skilled Coach Facilitator, Lerae Gidyk, MCC as we explore in depth how do we teach our clients to be coached and discuss the best ways to set boundaries as we do it.

Join us for this FREE 1-hour Webinar!

Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Time: 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern

Register today!

Attendance earns 1-CCE* Remember, you must be in attendance for the entire hour to qualify for your certificate.


Did you know?
We offer corporate programs.

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January 2022 — First Coaching Tip of 2022


Welcome to 2022

If lockdown, vaccinations, and social distancing, were no longer terms you used in 2022; What would you be talking about? What would you be thinking about?

2022 and your coach are inviting you to start exploring these two questions.

At first, resist looking for definitive answers, rather, see the trends or directions of your answers. Observe the themes of your thoughts and feelings. Is there a repetitive pattern? Are you starting to hear your dreams, hopes, and desires creep back in? Are you being drawn towards more responsibility, new or deeper relationships, balance, or love?

The secret to 2022, a six-year, is to Accept what is and build on it. Written by Merv Rogers, MCC, Chief Coaching Officer for Coaching Out of the Box® Read More…


A note from our CEO and Founder, Alison Hendren, MCC:

Welcome to 2022! This past year has seen no shortage of challenges, uncertainty, and change and now we are out of the gate and hurtling into 2022. In 2021 I found myself asking what I consider a hall of fame coaching question “What is the opportunity in this”? That question also supported our growth as the demand for coaching education continued both for those wanting to obtain a credential and for those wanting to add to their work and life toolkit. Our wonderful participants also surfaced an “opportunity” to make it as easy as possible for them to learn by developing “Porto” our new online learning platform plus cool digital materials too.

As 2022 unfolds here is what I encourage you to do and that is this, “Fully respond to what is coming at you”. AND may lots of good things come at you for 2022!

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November 2021 — A Case for Coaching in a World Interrupted

A Case for Coaching in a World Interrupted

In the context of leadership, coaching can be used as an approach to communicating and interacting where leaders act as partners with their team members, listen actively, and ask questions vs. telling employees what to do and how to do it. In learning a “coach approach” leaders are equipped with a new way of viewing the capacity and capabilities of the individuals they are there to support. From this new “lens” leaders are then better equipped to tap into the resourcefulness of their people. This serves to fuel employee engagement as individuals and teams are empowered to stretch beyond their comfort zones and leverage their strengths.

Coaching also gives rise to ongoing, meaningful, and reciprocal exchanges between leaders and their teams that foster trust, psychological safety, and where individual goals can be aligned with organizational goals. Written by Joanne, Peck, PCC for Coaching Out of the Box® Read More…



Free Webinar? Yes, please!

We are excited to present our next webinar on the impact that coaching can have on organizations and speak first-hand with leaders who have integrated a coach approach into their leadership styles.

During this hour we will explore why leaders need an approach that will help them, their teams, and ultimately their organizations thrive during these turbulent times rather than simply survive them. If you are a leader, in a leadership role, or aspiring to be one and looking for a way that fosters employee engagement, tolerance, agility, innovation, and increased resilience then this is one webinar you will not want to miss!

Join us for this FREE 1-hour Webinar!

Date: Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Time: 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern

Attendance earns 1-CCE

Remember, you must be in attendance for the entire hour to qualify for your certificate.


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October 2021 – Embracing Diversity in YOUR Coaching


Embracing Diversity in YOUR Coaching

Gain insights on how you can deepen your presence, create a more open mindset and safer space to support your client’s experience.

We at Coaching Out of the Box® are pleased to be able to present and partner with a recognized Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion expert, graduate of our very own coaching program, and ICF ACC coach for our next FREE Webinar. You won’t want to miss this! Patricia A. Lee of P.A.L. Coaching and Consulting LLC is a lecturer, guest professor at Rutgers, and moderator for the World Trade Resources “Exploring the Dimensions of Diversity Through Date and People” 2021 series.





Free Webinar? Yes, please!

What does diversity mean to you and to your clients? Are you ready to explore and apply the essentials of Diversity and Inclusion in your coaching practice? We are excited to be hosting this upcoming FREE webinar in partnership with Patricia A. Lee of P.A.L. Coaching & Consulting LLC.

During this hour we will explore the concepts and importance of Diversity and Inclusion in coaching as well as gain insights on how you can deepen your presence and create a more open mindset and safer space to support the client’s experience. Whether you are a certified coach or an aspiring coach, this is one webinar you will not want to miss!

Join us for this FREE 1-hour Webinar!

Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Time: 11:00am Pacific / 2:00pm Eastern

Attendance earns 1-CCE

Remember, you must be in attendance for the entire hour to qualify for your certificate.


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September 2021 – 9 Tips for Success to Make it As a Coach


Making It As a Coach: Tips for Success

The professional coaching industry is growing rapidly, creating new opportunities as well as challenges for both new and experienced coaches.

Experts suggest there are several key factors that have led to the explosive growth of coaching. Each provides opportunities as well as some challenges to Making It as a Coach.

Key factors contributing to the growth of coaching include;

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August 2021 Newsletter — Are Your Listening Skills Good or Great?


If you want to be a great coach, you must be a great listener.


Listening skills are essential for anyone who wants to be a great coach. Most people think that if they hear somebody, they must be listening to them, but that isn’t true at all.

Hearing is the passive act of perceiving sound by the ear, but listening is active. Listening is something you intentionally choose to do. It requires concentration so that your brain can process what is heard and then create meaning from words and sentences.



On average, people forget between one thirds and half of what we heard within 8 hours. The responsibility of coaching means that it isn’t good enough to be average.

Great coaches learn great listening skills. We teach great coaches!

Ready to Learn More? Check out our blog post on this subject. READ MORE…

Book a call with our Program Advisor – Emily MacDonald

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July 2021 Newsletter – 7 Steps to Help Improve Decision Making


7 Steps to Improve Decision Making

The amount and speed with which we receive information has almost become overwhelming.

Add that with the increased pressure to take action more quickly, and the continued stretch of leading (and living) through a pandemic, leaders find themselves with less and less time to think through a problem.

Without this space, I am seeing an increased number of the those I work with are making more reactionary, sometimes short-sighted decisions.



The Ladder of Inference is a powerful tool to help leaders identify their thinking process in order to challenge the premise of decisions, thereby increasing the probability of a solid decision. The Ladder of Inference was created by organizational psychologist Chris Argyris in the mid-1970s and became well known when it appeared in Peter Senge’s The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization.

The Ladder identifies 7 steps, or rungs we climb to make decisions. — Rosa Edinga, MBA, PCC Coach Facilitator, Coaching Out of the Box®

Ready to Learn More? Check out our blog post on this subject. READ MORE…

Book a call with our Program Advisor – Enrolment Coach

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June 2021 Newsletter – Coach Credentialing



Coach Credentialing

We receive many questions about coach certification and the process of obtaining an ICF credential. And really, the number of questions we receive is no surprise. With multiple application paths as well as different and changing requirements, the process can be confusing. Applying for your ICF credential is a BIG step and you don’t want to miss anything that could delay or jeopardize receiving your credential. Our goal is to provide useful tips to those who are currently or will soon be pursuing the ICF ACC credential.

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May 2021 Newsletter – Top 10 Powerful Coaching Questions


Powerful Coaching Questions
Almost every conversation begins with questions. Getting to know someone better can lead into a more in depth and complete dialogue. This is even more important in the coaching field. The biggest challenge comes in when deciding what questions are the best to ask and each situation can be different, requiring unique question plans. Overall, however, there are some great questions to progress through a coaching dialogue with a coachee. Here are a few:

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April 2021 Newsletter


Coaching the Poor Communicator
Let’s talk about a common yet very important coaching challenge – coaching the poor communicator. Of course, communication can be written or verbal and many points in this newsletter can apply to both but, for now, we are narrowing our focus down to interpersonal verbal communication.

When information is exchanged there must be a balance between giving and receiving. When communication works, there is a connection between the individuals involved. This gives us clues as to where we might focus when working with a poor communicator.

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March 2021 Newsletter


3 Key Tips on Coaching the Uncoachable
The idea that some people are uncoachable goes against my grain – I like to think everyone can be coached – if we just take the right approach. I’ll admit that there are some individuals that are very difficult to coach. And I guess I must accept that there may be a few who really are uncoachable because they don’t see or believe there is any need to change.

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